Business Valuations

Business Valuations

We utilize the most comprehensive valuation and exit planning tool on the market.

Absolute Clarity

Sharpen your decision-making with clarity on present and potential value.
Equitas Business Brokers Limited – your dedicated business broker in Ontario for a smooth transaction

Business Valuation Solutions

Unlock an additional $1M of generational wealth using our complementary tool.

Market Value Assessment

Our comprehensive MVA™ report delivers absolute clarity for owners looking to maximize the value of their company.


The MVA ™ educates shareholders on the valuation process and what buyers screen for prior to making an offer. Each page is visually-clear and concise.

Forward Looking

The MVA ™ focuses on what you can do in the future to increase value, as opposed to looking at what happened in the past – something you can’t change.

Real World

Our report guides owners towards a practical go-to-market strategy, and is stress-tested in real world environments.

Inside the MVA™

A step-by-step guide for increasing company value, specific to your business.

Executive Summary

A summary of the key takeaways and recommendations – your company’s current value, risk profile, industry multiples, and recommendations for improving saleability and sale price.

Executive Summary - Inside the MVA™ with Equitas Business Brokers.


Our analysts normalize (adjust) your reported financials based on certain parameters to identify the true earning potential of your firm. This normalization process creates a set of adjusted financials, which may be requested by potential buyers.

Business Valuations - Inside the MVA™ Earnings with Equitas Business Brokers.


The primary reason a company will fail to sell is that returns do not offset the risk associated with them. Where risk is identified, it is likely easier to reduce risk than increase returns.

Growth Risk - Inside the MVA™ with Equitas Business Brokers.


This section of the report compares eleven different valuation methodologies to determine a market value of your company.

Business Valuation - Inside the MVA™ Market Approach Summary with Equitas Business Brokers.

Market Value

This section outlines the exact range of values that buyers will be willing to pay for your business.

Market - Inside the MVA™ Your Sale Zone with Equitas Business Brokers.

Buyer Insights

Not all buyers are created equally. This section outlines twelve different types of buyers in the market, the pros and cons of each, how much they are likely to pay, and how they typically structure a purchase.

Strategic Buyer Insights - Inside the MVA™ with Equitas Business Brokers.

Value Enhancement

This section outlines clear steps to reduce risk in various areas, with the objective of increasing value.

Business Valuations - Inside the MVA™ Value Enhancement and Deal Teams with Equitas Business Brokers.


This section includes a benchmark analysis, break-even analysis, and sustainable growth analysis. Twenty industry ratios are utilized to grade your company based on efficiency.

Break-Even Analysis - Inside the MVA™ Efficiency with Equitas Business Brokers.

Value Gap

Using the findings in Part 9, this section identifies how much money will be left on the table at the time of sale as a result of certain inefficiencies.

Value Gap - Inside the MVA™ with Equitas Business Brokers.

Cash at Close

This section identifies how much cash shareholders will walk away with upon closing, after all transaction costs.

Business Valuations - Inside the MVA™ Cash-at-close Calculation with Equitas Business Brokers.

Intended Use

Value Enhancement
Business Sale Preparation
Partner Buyout
Management Buyout

Transition Planning
Strategic Planning
Attracting Equity Investment
Growth Financing

Business Acquisition Assessment
Estate Planning
Exit Planning
Evaluating Unsolicited Offers